30 Jan | 20:38 | Det er nu igen muligt at købe en landsholdsdragt, til brug til internationale stævner, via masterudvalget. Der vil være en egenbetaling på 500kr. for en dragt, der består af overdel samt buks. Der kan bestilles forskellige størrelser i både buks og overdel. Sættet er magen til sættet som bruges på senior- og juniorlandsholdene. Overdel fås i størrelse 104 til 164 (børnestørrelser) og S til 4XL (voksenstørrelser) Buks Fås i størrelse 116 til 164 (børnestørrelser) og S til 3XL (voksenstørrelser). Det er desuden muligt at få en landsholdstaske i stor model, her vil egenbetalingen være 250kr.
Send en mail til senest 10. februar 2025 så vil der blive bestilt dragter og tasker umildbart herefter. | |
05 Nov | 22:10 | Kære master løftere
2024 sæsonen nærmer sig sin afslutning. Der er opnået flotte præstationer af jer master løftere både nationalt, og i
særdeleshed internationalt, og det er det tid til at kikke frem mod 2025 sæsonen.
Regler omkring deltagelse og tilmelding til internationale master stævner kan findes på www.styrke.dk under fanen masterudvalg.
Tilmeldingsfrister og tilmeldingsskema kan ligeledes findes på hjemmesiden og bemærk, at EM-master klassisk, som afvikles i Albi, Frankrig fra 9-16 februar, har seneste tilmelding 6. december 2024.
Tilmeldingsfrister 2025
Opdateret Krav for international deltagelse under Masterudvalget
Opdateret Tilmeldingskema til internationale stævner (docx)
På vegne af masterudvalget
Jørgen | |
13 Jun | 10:13 | Invitation til Master fællestræning i Horsens
Efter den store succes i starten af året kommer nu version 2 af fællestræninger for masters-løfterne. Der er sat et loft på 30 deltager og det er først til mølle. så kom frisk! Forslag til indhold/ oplæg modtages gerne inden sidste frist for tilmelding 😊
Ses vi? Det tror jeg nok vi gør! | |
12 Nov | 13:29 | Kære masterløftere
Nu nærmer tiden sig EM i klassisk styrkeløft som afvikles i Malaga, Spanien 12-18 februar 2024. Tilmeldingen skal skel på mail til senest lørdag d.9 december 2023.
Alle der deltager som løftere til EPF/IPF-konkurrencer skal udfylde en Consent Form i PDF format på samme måde som ADEL certifikatet. Download og udfyld dokumentet og send dette på mail til inden tidsfristens udløb. Dokumentet uploades derefter i GOODLIFT systemet.
Bemærk at ADel skal fornyes årligt, så i der har gennemgået uddannelsen, skal via hjemmesiden forny jeres uddannelse.
Consent Form kan downloades fra IPF hjemmesiden via dette
Alle løftere bør udfylde og underskrive elektronisk. Instruktions video omkring hvordan dette gøres
Hvis det af den ene eller anden grund ikke er muligt at underskrive elektronisk, skal dokumentet printes ud, underskrives og sendes som PDF-fil til
Du skal ligeledes gennemføre IPF antidoping uddannelsen ADEL.
Det er et krav at kursusbeviset sendes på mail til: sammen med tilmeldingsskemaet: Det er ikke længere muligt at tilmelde løftere til internationale stævner uden at uploade kursusbeviset. Det samme gælder for trænerne, de skal ligeledes gennemføre Adel træneruddannelsen for at kunne akkrediteres.
Bemærk venligst regler omkring stævnehotel og startgebyr. Man er bundet af forhåndstilmeldingen og startgebyret. Skulle man senere fortryde sin deltagelse hæfter man for startgebyret. Det er ligeledes et EPF-IPF-krav at man skal bo på stævnehotellet i stævneperioden. Fx hvis man løfter en mandag og skal hjælpe en anden løfter torsdag skal man bestille 4 overnatninger.
Hotellet i Malaga koster 125 Euro for et enkeltværelse og 140 Euro for et dobbelt. Bemærk at der er morgenmad og aftensmad inkluderet i prisen. I forhold til transport til og fra lufthavnen anbefales det at tage en Taxi og prisen vil være ca. 25 Euro.
Head Coach ved EM bliver Jens Lund Tvilling Vinther.
Det er nu igen muligt at købe en landsholdsdragt, til brug til internationale stævner, via masterudvalget. Der vil være en egenbetaling på 500kr. for en dragt, der består af overdel samt buks. Der kan bestilles forskellige størrelser i både buks og overdel. Sættet er magen til sættet som bruges på senior- og juniorlandsholdene. Overdel fås i størrelse 104 til 164 (børnestørrelser) og S til 4XL (voksenstørrelser) Buks Fås i størrelse 116 til 164 (børnestørrelser) og S til 3XL (voksenstørrelser). Det er desuden muligt at få en landsholdstaske i stor model, her vil egenbetalingen være 250kr.
Send en mail til masterudvalget senest 5. januar 2024 så vil der blive bestilt dragter og tasker umildbart herefter.
Yderlige Info omkring tilmelding samt tilmeldingsskema kan findes på Masterudvalget
IPF har ændret deres vedtægter og det betyder blandt andet at der kommer loft over antallet af trænere fra 2024 samt alle der ønsker akkreditering, som trænere ved alle Verdensmesterskaber, skal betale 50 Euro i gebyr.
Herunder nogle af de vigtigste ændringer der gælder fra 1.1.2024.
På vegne af masterudvalget
Jørgen Rasmussen
14.5.1 A precondition for acceptance of a Preliminary nomination is that the nominating National Member Federation has successfully entered without exception the following information into the Goodlift System: • A duly completed ADEL (WADA Anti-Doping E-Learning) certificate in the name of each nominated athlete and head-, and assistant coach. • A duly executed and signed Consent Form for each nominated athlete.
14.5.2 Should any athlete or official have a pending charge against them under the IPF Anti-Doping Rules, irrespective of whether they are currently provisionally suspended, as the rights of all other nominated athletes and officials, the IPF and their National Member Federation outweigh their own, the Championship Secretary shall not accept their Nomination. If a period of ineligibility or suspension will have been fully served with all applicable reinstatement conditions and requirements respected and fulfilled by the date the Event begins, the Championship Secretary shall accept nomination for any athlete or official who is currently serving a period of ineligibility under the IPF Anti-Doping Rules or a suspension under any other IPF regulations on the day of the Preliminary nomination deadline. Should any reinstatement conditions be breached prior to the start of the Event, any applicable consequences under the Anti-Doping Rules would apply.
14.5.3 A National Member Federation taking part in an International Event shall pay the IPF the anti- doping fee and the participation fee for each athlete nominated and entered on the final entry form. No fees are to be paid for nominated reserve athletes if not replacing one of the primary nominated athletes.
14.5.4 If a hotel reservation fee is specified in the invitation for the event, the same rule and time limits as above apply for all nominated athletes, coaches, officials, and referees.
14.5.5 At no time are children allowed to enter the warm-up area (for health and safety). Also, no parents or grandparents are allowed to enter the warm-up area principally when sub juniors are competing. Also, there are to be no music boxes allowed in the warm-up or platform areas. Sufficient rubbish bins shall be placed in the warm-up area. It is the responsibility of the athletes and coaches to ensure the warm-up and wrapping area is kept clean and clear of debris.
14.5.6 The organizer is responsible for providing security to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the warm-up area. When required and decided by the Jury, additional technical controllers may be placed in the warm-up area. The number of technical controllers will be determined by the number of lifters and coaches present in the warmup area. Coaches' accreditation badges should be marked according to gender, bodyweight category, and include a photo identification. One coach per athlete is not sufficient, particularly during sessions when it is necessary to spot super heavyweight lifters. Also, there may be certain sessions with lifters lifting heavy weights that may require additional spotters, even in classic competitions. The primary purpose of having the additional spotters is to prevent injuries and to ensure the safety of the athletes. Although the use of communication devices by athletes or coaches in the wrapping or warm-up areas is currently not permitted. 27 IPF By-Laws effective 1.1.2024
Eligible Coaches: Each national federation has the autonomy to establish their own rules and procedures when selecting their national team coaches and lifters. Coaches and lifters shall be nominated by the federation where they’re a member and in good standing. Pictures and Filming: The warm-up area, for some lifters, it's necessary to view their lifts in a video to fully understand the minor corrections needed in their movements. In the event of an inappropriate situation arising, such as a lifter being filmed while in underwear or exposed, coaches should take immediate action and reported to the Jury. If necessary, the coach will be ejected from the warm-up area, and the camera should be confiscated by security personnel.
14.5.7 For Open championships classic & equipped, each nation can nominate a maximum of 12 coaches. For Youth and junior combined powerlifting championship, both classic & equipped, eac
All accredited athletes, coaches, officials and referees nominated by their national federation for an international or world championship event, must stay in the official hotel(s) designated by the organizer. An accreditation badge shall not be issued to a nominated athlete, coach, official or referee that is not staying in the hotel. Additionally, the issued credential shall match the number of days they will be officially participating in the event. If an athlete, coach, referee or official does not stay in the hotel, they shall not receive accreditation and shall be excluded from the event.
For Master's combined powerlifting championships classic & equipped a maximum of 16 coaches
For combined bench press championships classic & equipped (all age groups), each nation can nominate a maximum of 20 coaches.
The number of coaches of each nation for each lifting group in the warm-up area 1 Athlete = 3 Coaches 2 Athletes in the same group = 3 Coaches 2 Athletes in two different groups (e.g.: A&B group) = 5 Coaches 3 Athletes = in the same group = 5 Coaches 3 Athletes = in two different groups (e.g.: A&B group) = 6 Coaches 4 Athletes = 6 Coaches which is the maximum number of allowed Coaches
The number of Coaches for each lifting group in the preparation/wrapping area Equipped lifting 1 Athlete = 2 Coaches 2 Athletes = 4 Coaches 3 Athletes = 5 Coaches 4 Athletes = 6 Coaches which is the maximum number of allowed Coaches
The number of Coaches for each lifting group in the preparation area Classic lifting 1 Athlete = max 2 Coaches in one group 2 Athletes = max 2 Coaches in one group 3 Athletes = max 2 Coaches in one group 3 Athletes = max 3 Coaches in two groups 4 Athletes = max 4 Coaches in two groups which is the maximum number of allowed Coaches
The number of Coaches for each lifting group in the coaching zone - only 1 Coach | |